Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Morning; Quick Training Session 4/5/2015

This morning is Easter Morning, The kids got up early for their baskets, we had an egg hunt around the house, breakfast was cooked and then there was a lull in the morning where we cleaned up and everyone started getting ready to go visit relatives. 

I took this time to squeeze in this quick workout since the rest of the day will probably be slow going.

50 Jumping Jacks

20 Kettle bell dead lifts (54lbs) 
20 Push ups
20 Single leg dead lifts (10 each side) 
20 Heisman's (a knees to elbow movement) 
20 Kettle bell Swings
20 Body weight Squats
20 Kettle bell Snatches (10 each side) 
20 Burpees
20 Single Arm Kettle bell swings (10 each side) 
20 Push up Jacks (a push up with the legs jumping in and out like a jumping jack) 

Doing a quick little something now will pay off later!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Obstacle Course Training Workout 4/4/2015


3 minutes Jumping Jacks
50' Butt Kick
50' Power Skip
50' Lateral Skip (each direction) 

Set A: 1 Minute Each

Push ups
Tuck Jump 
Walking Lunge
Body weight Squats

Set B:

10 Kettlebell Swings
50 yard run
10 Push ups
50 yard run
10 Kettle bell Snatches (5 ea. side)
50 yard run
10 Burpees
50 yard run 
10 Kettle Bell Swings
50 yard run 
10 Push ups 
50 yard run 
10 Kettle bell Snatches (5 ea. side)
50 yard run
10 Burpees
50 yard run

Cool Down:

Shoveled and filled up 5 gallon buckets with gravel and sand off road from winter plowing. Used to buckets to fill in potholes along the road,

Obstacle Course Training WOD 3/31/15

No Gym, No Equipment, No Problem


3 minutes Jumping Jacks
50' Butt Kick
50' Power Skip

Main Set

30 Burpees
30 Box Jumps (aka picnic table)
100 Reverse Crunches
30 Squats
30 Lateral Squats (each side)
100 High Knees (50 each side)
30 Jump Squats
30 Jump Lunges


3 sets pull ups to failure