We worked for about an hour on the Long Cycle Clean & Jerk. Starting with 1 minute cycles and working up the weight to 3 minute cycles with appropriate rest in between. The amount of volume is going to give me the opportunity to work on the subtleties of the sport as well as build some endurance.
This morning I followed up with a short but effective workout to help improve my strength endurance and to maintain some power. I also put some focus on improving the grip as that is going to be instrumental If I plan on being effective.
3 Rounds
- Back Squat X 20 @ 135lbs
- Jump Squat X 5 (loaded w/ 10lbs)
- Single Arm Swing for 1 Minute (two sets with the left hand (non-dominant) 1 with the right)
There was zero rest in between exercises, followed by 3 minutes rest at the end of the round.
I took the 45lb plates off the bar and finished the workout with 2 set of 1 minute plate pinch grips which pretty much finished the grip off but my hands feel pretty good .
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