Thursday, November 26, 2015

Pre-Thanksgiving Dinner Workout

If you had to guess one day a year where you would expect to take in an excess amount of calories it would probably be Thanksgiving Day. So instead of just surrendering to the inevitable I snuck in this quick workout somewhere between the point where the 30 second lip sync performances at the parade started to irritate me and the beginning of the dog show (wouldn't want to miss that!)

Warm Up:
20 Kettlebell Dead Lifts
10 Single Leg Dead Lifts (right)
10 Single Leg Dead Lifts (left)

3 Rounds:
10 Kettlebell Front Rack Squat (right)
10 Kettlebell Swings
10 Kettlebell Front Rack Squat (left)
10 Kettlebell Overhead Press (right)
10 Kettlebell Overhead Press (left)
10 Pushups

3 Rounds (as little rest needed)
20 Kettlebell Swings
20 Pushups

Cool Down:
45 minute walk with the dog.....ironically this was Rex's (my boxer) warm up for the dog show!

We can always find a little time if it is important to us!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Beat the Week: How to Get the Most out of the Next 7 Days.

It's Sunday, and since the clocks have been turned, the only day that I can wait for the sunlight to peak through my windows as a sign for me to wake up. I will usually get up, make some coffee and take the first cup outside to get some air then come back in and start breakfast. A nice start to the day!

Sunday however is not only the last day of the traditional weekend but the first day of the next calendar week, Instead of waiting for New Years think of it as getting 52 brand new starts every year!

How often should I exercise a week is one of the most common questions that I will hear on a week to week basis. My answer is normally as much as your body is going to allow you to, taking in to consideration your current conditioning. Here is a more simple approach....Beat the Week.

A week has 7 days in it, an unbalanced number. Get in 4 days of exercise and you have beaten the week, get in 3 days and the week has beaten you! These bouts do not have to be super intense, you do not have to make it to the gym but put aside 10-15 minutes to get it done. After you read this article jump into this little routine if you are stuck on what you should do.

Ideally you would have a dumbbell of kettle bell but if not go with the Body weight substitute.

3-5 Rounds

10 Goblet / Body weight Squat
10 Renegade Rows / Push up with shoulder tap
10 Walking Lunges
10 Kettle bell(or dumbbell swing) / Double or single leg hip bridge

Knock out 3 rounds, pop in the shower and you have started to Beat the Week!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Ready for War?....How Focused Can You Say You Are?

I’ve been paying attention to the 2015 Rugby World Cup and what has shaped up to be a huge final match between the All Blacks of New Zealand and the Wallabies of Australia. Here in the States the World Series of Baseball has begun, the NBA has just kicked off and we are midway through the NFL season but if you are from “Down Under” your full attention will be on this one match that has shaped up over the last few weeks.

Prior to the start of each match the All Blacks perform a ritual unlike any other professional team in the world. The group comes to mid-field, faces their opponent and goes into a series of aggressive chanting, movements, and facial expressions. The ritual is known as the Haka and is a tribal war dance unique the the country of New Zealand.

The Haka is intimidating, impressive and adds to the aura around the All Blacks and their gaudy record in International play. The All Blacks do not have a losing record to any national team in the world and as a matter of fact a large number of countries have never defeated the All Blacks.


What jumps out at me the most when I see this pregame ritual is the passion and intensity that the players bring to this. In most American sports pregame is a very casual time for most players. Watch Odell Beckham Jr. on the New York Giants and you would think he was getting ready for a street ball game. Don’t get me wrong I love Odell but is he getting ready for war as he is showcasing his one handed grabs?

I can’t help but think that this intensity and ability to focus in the moment has more than just a little to do with the ability of the All Blacks to be so dominant. What would a fraction of that focus do for our ability to attain the goals we were chasing? Being a better father, husband, an overall human being, having financial success, success in school, health and fitness related goals would all be right there for the taking. We would dominate our lives! Sounds pretty amazing to me.

So where is your focus right now on the task you have to perform in the next 80 minutes (the time it takes to complete a rugby match)? Is it as serious to you as life or death? Should we perform our own little war dance when we get out of bed in the morning? Maybe. I didn't learn how the game of rugby was played by the All Blacks. What they remind me of, is that everything I ever want is right here - all I have to do is stare it down and remain relentless with my focus.